Victim, Punisher, Rescuer. Which are you?


So many of us don't like drama and we avoid conflict. But what if you create drama without even realising it? In relationships, we can often get stuck in a drama triangle. Perhaps because we've taken on a role at some point or another, and somehow got stuck there. 

Just because you are stuck, doesn't mean you have to stay. 

There are three roles in the drama triangle. 

  • The Victim - you believe the world is against you, nothing is your fault and taking responsibility for your actions isn't something you do easily.

  • The Rescuer - you try and save everyone. You struggle with boundaries and try to help people even when they don't want to help themselves.

  • The Punisher - you blame everyone else for where you are now, and you make sure they know it.

I've played every one of these roles at certain times in my life, if you think you haven't, it is most likely you are not being honest with yourself. Be honest and journal with these questions:  

How am I showing up as a victim in my life? 

How am I showing up as a rescuer in my life? 

How am I showing up as a punisher in my life? 

To heal, we need to take responsibility for ourselves. This was one of the hardest truths I needed to hear when I was in the depths of my healing. I wanted to block the world out and hide. I wanted to blame everyone and everything for where I was in my life. But ultimately, it was all my choice. You have a choice too. 

You are not a victim. 

You don't need to save anyone. 

You are responsible for your life. 

And so choose differently. And continue to every day. Don't be fooled though, this stuff takes work. Undoing years of programming, conditioning and belief systems don't change overnight. It takes consistency. And that's the only secret. If you need support to know your power of choice, come breathe with me and empower yourself to heal… 

you already know the answer
you are just not ready to accept it yet.
— Irini Zoica

this month’s affirmations…


Just for a moment, imagine a world where everyone lives in alignment with who they are and shares their unique gifts with the world, to make it a happier, more accepting place to be. What would that look like for you, for your family, for the world? 

You may not realise it, but you have a gift. Maybe you haven't allowed yourself to explore it yet. Maybe you are scared to. But it is there.

And I believe it is each of our responsibility to give ourselves permission to shine. To find out what lights you up and go for it. That's what sharing breathwork and helping people heal does for me. Now what can you do with your gift? 

If you don't know, then join Return to You - within 6 short weeks, I've seen so many of the graduates begin to honour the gift inside them and shine their light. And the best thing, it's really simple to do once you get support! I'm here to support you too. Apply by this link to book a free chat with me. 

Last thoughts…


I've taken to noticing my first thought of the day. Is it full of possibility and excitement or doom and gloom? You may not get to choose how you feel, but you get to choose your thoughts. And how you think when you first wake up each day can impact the rest of your day. 

It will take practice and effort, as most good things do, but once you start changing your thoughts to “today is going to be a great day”, “I'm going to make the most of this day”, “Let's do this day!” you won't be able to wait to jump out of bed!


Courage, Fear or Both?


I am terrified. TERRIFIED.