change your story

Restore harmony within.

At some point, you were told..

  • It’s ok to be vulnerable, but don’t feel too much

  • You can do anything you set your mind to, but are you sure you want to do that?

  • Tell me the truth, but only the truth I want to hear

  • Dream, but let’s be sensible too

  • Go with the flow, but have a direction, a purpose and a vision for the future

  • Stand up for yourself but do it without strong emotions so people around you feel comfortable

  • Be present, but have you done everything on your to-do list?

you are the sky. everything else is the weather.

Pema Chodron

For too long you’ve lived in fear of judgement, criticism and other’s people’s expectation of you. And instead of saying, to hell with it, I’m going to live my life. You’ve made yourself smaller. You try to control everything in your life, hoping that if you do, nothing can go wrong.

Until it does. And when it does, you unravel. It’s exhausting isn’t it? This back and forth between inertia and perfectionism, giving up and trying to get everything right. Where’s the balance?

To live in balance we need to live in the light and the dark. Working together, we start with a bottom up approach, soothing the nervous system and the first emotional sense we learn in utero - our sense of fear/safety. Working through your emotional blueprint learnt in childhood we explore your relationship to fear, guilt, shame, anger, loss and restore the light. Through reconnecting to your inner child, shadow work, chakra healing and embodiment practices, we release long held emotions in the body and create your toolkit of ‘Power Tools’ to create sustainable and lasting change.

  • Mita

    Nix taught me that there are no rooms in my castle that do not deserve love. During our work together she made me feel safe and showed me the art of compassion. Thanks to Nix I now have a bigger toolbox to get me through the stormy days and I feel more loving, lovable, and loved than ever before, and for that I am eternally grateful.

How does 1-2-1 work?

Weekly 60-minute Breathwork + Coaching call via Zoom

Free Access to Aether® The Emotional Health Studio

WhatsApp Support Throughout

What the investment?

£130 per session or £520 per month (payment plans are available)

There is no timeframe for healing, however we work 1-2-1 for a minimum of 3-months.