Courage, Fear or Both?


It's October, how did that happen? When this year began I choose Discomfort as my intention for the year, and it certainly has lived up to it. It seems like most days lately I am extremely uncomfortable. 

Creating Aether (which is finally out into the world!!) over the past year has pushed me out of all the comfort zones I've made cosy and warm, the ones that keep me small, that keep me exactly where I am. I had to push through the saboteur, the procrastinator, the victim, the helpless and the scarcity and come out the other side. I met them all, and don't get me wrong, it hasn't been easy. But instead of letting them have their way, each time I've tried to meet them with compassion, asking them - what are you here to teach me? Most of the time they taught me about my fear, which never seems to go away.

Since the launch, and Aether being out in the world for everyone to view, judge and experience (what ultimately has come from my heart and soul) I feel even more exposed and open to my fear. How wrong I was, to think it would be easier on the other side.

Now I'm battling with the judge, the critic and the imposter that still want to keep me small. But again I meet them with compassion, what are you here to teach me? 

Fear is our root emotion, it's the first emotion we learn as a human and it's at the root of most experiences, behaviours and thoughts - but your power is in your choices. Do you want to live in fear, or live with fear and have the courage to do it anyway? 

That's the thing about feelings, we aren't just one. You are not just your fear. You are everything. But so often, I see that fear engulf you. Stop you moving forward, stop you saying no to friendships or relationships that aren't working, stop you expressing yourself and putting your magic out into the world. 

Am I scared most of the time? Hell yes, but I learnt along time ago that I can be brave too. And I learnt it by taking one small step in the direction that I wanted my life to go. And since then, choosing to be brave has brought me authentic relationships, shown me deep trust I have in myself, my vision, my dreams. It gives me my boundaries and acceptance of my feelings as messages that I get to choose how to respond. Do you want to be brave or do you want to stay small?

If you are ready to no longer play small and create from a place of truth, Return to You was made for you. This has already changed so many people's lives with the simple tools I teach you to tune in and find compassion for yourself. Lean into the fear and find the courage you need within yourself to know who you are. The next cohort starts on the Wednesday 1st November, I'd love to support you finish this year on a high. 

Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open?
— Rumi

this month’s affirmations…


It's so easy isn't it, to keep pushing on with the to-do-list piling high and the responsibilities of being an adult feeling relentless - but life isn't all about doing. It's about being. 

I pulled this card from my affirmation deck this week just when I needed the reminder to slow down and take it all in. Prioritise pausing. It might just be the only moment of your day that you remember with a smile. 

Last thoughts…


A letter is a powerful thing. Something we've forgotten about in the world of technology and instant gratification. But twice already this year I've witness the power of a heartfelt letter. When we found our new home, it was out of our budget with lots of hoops we needed to jump through to even be accepted (thanks to housing restrictions for single people living together in London) but we wrote a heartfelt letter to our landlords, shared our story and we got the house. 

The second letter, I wrote to a retreat company who are hosting a retreat in Tuscany this month, with a special guest appearance from my favourite musician, camp fire sing-a-longs with him, wasn't an opportunity I could miss. But my financial priorities are focused on Aether at the moment and the cost of the retreat was out of my budget - so I wrote a letter. I shared my story of how his songs have changed my life, and in some way brought me to this path. And I got a bursary place on the retreat and invited to share breathwork on the retreat too. 

I'm sharing this in case there is something you really have your heart set on but it feels unachievable, write a letter (hey write me one if you like), put your heart out there, I have a strong feeling it may just open a door for you that you thought was closed… 


The Wild Woman Within


Victim, Punisher, Rescuer. Which are you?