Breathwork for sleep

Last week during our retreat, in the evening I was supposed to be teaching a breathwork for sleep class, but we’d had a big supper and I didn’t think we wanted to be doing deep breathing exercises with a belly full of food - so I offered a restorative class instead.

As soon as the restorative class was over, I had several of the retreaters come up to me asking how to breathe to help sleep. It was obvious then that many of us are calling out for tips to help us get a better night sleep. So here’s what I know, it’s called the 4:7:8 technique, also called the “relaxing breath” popularised by Dr Andrew Weil.

Simply breathe in through the nose for a count of 4

Hold the breath for a count of 7

And exhale through the nose for a count of 8

This breathing technique acts as a natural tranquilliser for the nervous system helping us to ease a busy mind and come back into a start of relaxation and calm. It takes practice like anything else, practice it regularly over a month or 2 to become familiar with the technique, over time you’ll notice you’ll be able to fall asleep in a minute.

Going to sleep will soon be as easy as taking a deep breath.

Join me weekly for BREATHE, a 60 minute, breathwork focused class.

To find freedom in your body and mind.


What are the Chakras?


My journey to the Breath (so far)